To develop and implement policies that assure the provision of quality education.
To enhance the student learning through capacity building and to contribute knowledge base economy.
To ensure the knowledge being imparted to the students is up to date which enable them to meet the growing demand of research base education worldwide.
To develop the academic activities, standardize procedure of curriculum development, research and faculty development policies.
To promote public confidence in the quality and standards of the award of degrees are of world class.
To ensure the accomplishment of the requirements of Accreditation Councils and Regulatory Bodies.
Our mission is to continuously improve the quality of education and student learning through systematic procedures of collecting and analyzing data and monitoring, reviewing the progress of teaching and research activities under Higher Education Directives to ensure that quality standards are being met.
Our vision is to develop a viable and sustainable mechanism that should assure the quality of higher education learning in the University of Faisalabad in achieving the status of world class renowned institution of teaching.