Name Designation Committee
Prof. Dr. Hafiz Naeem Asghar Director QEC, University of Agriculture Faisalabad Convener/External Member
Prof. Dr. Tahira Iqbal Head, Department of Biochemistry Member
Prof. Dr. Majid Head, Department of Computer Sciences Member
Prof. Dr. Khawaja Adeel Tariq Head, Department of Civil Engineering Member
Samme Ur Rehman Associate Professor, Head Department of Law Member

Institutional Performance Evaluation conducted by HEC Review Team.

Name Designation Committee
Dr. Anwar Ali Siddiqui Professor Dow University of Health Sciences, Karachi Convener
Dr. Sadaf Mumtaz Professor HiTech Institute of Medical Sciences, Taxila Member
Dr. Zohaib Iqbal Associate Professor NUCES-FAST, Islamabad Member
Dr. Farhan Jamil Director ORIC UVAS, Lahore Member

Institutional Performance Self Evaluation panel composed of various academicians was constituted by The University of Faisalabad (TUF)

Name Designation Committee
Prof Dr Abdul Majeed External Member/Convener
Prof Dr Ijaz Ahmad Randhawa HoS Civil Engineering Member
Prof Dr Muhammad Jameel HoS Chemical Engineering Member
Dr Syed Hussain Mustafa Gillani Additional Director QEC Member
Dr Muhammad Asim Assistant Professor School of Electrical Engineering Member

Name Designation Committee
Prof Dr Abdul Majeed External Member/Convener
Prof Dr AD Chaudhary Dean Faculty of Engineering and Technology Member
Prof Dr Faqir Hussain Khan Dean Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences Member
Dr Ayesha Azhar Associate Professor Member
Dr Sadia Falak Associate Professor Member


Sr. No Observation of HEC Compliance implementation Plan
1 The Mission & Vision were last updated in 2006, however, with the changing trends of higher education and needs of society, these needs to be reviewed and revised.
  • Committee to revise mission and vision statement was constituted
  • Board of Governors on 25th July 2020 approved revised Mission Statement
2 Although the vision statement is clear about focus on research, the practices regarding support of research need to be improved.
  • ‘Teacher Resource Center’ Sep 21, 2019 established where junior faculty members are facilitated by senior faculty members to improve quality of research
  • Office of Research Innovation & Commercialization (ORIC) issue time table and ensure that senior faculty members are available during their dedicated time
  • For efficient utilization of budget, department wise budget will be allocated from year 2020-21. Moreover, we have already established core groups and streamlined research groups to cater industry issues
  • Office of Research Innovation & Commercialization (ORIC) metrics and milestones issued for year 2021
3 To address the challenges faced by Pakistan, as highlighted in the vision, the learning and the university should be of more applied in nature and focusing on local problems.
  • The point has been addressed in CIP of Standard#1 Sr. #2
4 The vision of having top faculty is yet to be achieved.
  • The University of Faisalabad has nationally and internationally renowned faculty members
  • Continuous recruitment of talent is ongoing

Sr. No Observation of HEC Compliance implementation Plan
1 Though the University largely adheres to the regulations mentioned in the Charter, however, in some areas the panel members express concerns: The Charter of the University requires representation from Education Department and Finance Department from Government of Punjab in the Finance and Planning Committee Meetings. However, these members were not present in most of the meetings (Reference to the minutes of meetings held on December 05, 2018, June 15, 2018, December 19, 2017 and most of the earlier meetings).
  • Mentioned members are routinely invited for meetings of Finance & Planning Committee
2 The composition of financial & planning committee should include a representative of university finance department.
  • Observation addressed: Representative is being nominated
3 According to the data provided by the university, the R&D budget is grossly under-utilized. Efforts should be made to stimulate the research activity as per vision of the university. Also, the R&D budget lapsed in one year should be allowed to carry forward in next year.
  • R & D budget is being carry forward to next year 2021

Sr. No Observation of HEC Compliance implementation Plan
1 To ensure further smooth functioning of the university affairs, the BoG meeting should be held regularly.
  • Board of Governors meeting is held minimum once in a year
  • Situation specific needs are immediately raised and addressed
2 The ORIC has an important role to play in enhancing the research across the university. The initial contributions in establishing policies and procedures as well as supporting student and faculty research through consultative services and financing. This panel can envision an enhance role of ORIC in the future.
  • ORIC strives to lead The University of Faisalabad in discoveries, publications, mentoring and training, and in the translation of research into health and economic benefits. Establishment of Knowledge Incubation Center, Teacher Resource Center, Submission of Provisional Patents in IPO Office, enhancement in Impact factor publications, funding of projects by HEC & other donors evident the enhance role of ORIC in the future and amount has been reflected in the budget to allocate startup grants

Sr. No Observation of HEC Compliance implementation Plan
1 There is no standardized ethical review form available. Such forms are required for the implementation of uniform ethical practices across the departments.
  • Academic Council in its meeting held on July 10, 2020 has approved the ethical review form; Form has been endorsed by BOG in its meeting on July 25, 2020

Sr. No Observation of HEC Compliance implementation Plan
1 The available faculty in various programs in various designations is not balanced.
  • Continuous recruitment needs are frequently advertised
2 A structured faculty development program should be introduced, which will hopefully improve the capacity of the faculty members in the emerging fields.
  • A structured Faculty Development Program has been developed for the year
3 External assessment of the course being taught should be done, especially in Engineering and Technology areas.
  • Courses taught in Undergraduate and Post graduate programs are reviewed after every semester (Board of Studies, Board of Faculty and Academic Council)
  • During the meetings of all these statutory bodies suggestions of external members are given due weightage
  • In order to address the suggestions of IPE Panel it is being ensured that there are suitable external members available to evaluate courses in statuary bodies and self-assessment of programs
  • University will ensure that there are suitable external members available to evaluate courses in statuary bodies and self-assessment of programs
4 The research output of the university needs improvement
  • Already explained in CIP of Standard#3 Sr#2
5 It has been observed that the faculty turnover rate at junior level is high. A significant gap at the level of Associate Professors is also observed.
  • Competitive salaries are being paid to employees
  • Free medical treatment for employees and their families in Madinah Teaching Hospital affiliated hospital of TUF is available
  • Other benefits such as state of the art Day Care Center, education facility for children of employees on discounted rates
  • Hostel facility for non-married and housing facility for married employees are provided
  • To reduce the gap at the level of Associate Professors advertisement was published and recruitments have been made
6 The regularization of faculty member contracts needs serious consideration. This will help in faculty retention and increase of ownership.
  • Contracts of faculty are initially offered for the period of five years extendable on mutual considerations
7 The policy of appointing at faculty administrative positions (Head of Schools, Deans) should be on a rotation basis.
  • Deans & Head of Departments are appointed as per the requirements of charter for the period of three years
8 The profiles of faculty must be projected at appropriate forums, including the website and the prospectus.
  • Profiles of faculty have been updated in prospectus and on website. The Faculty is also projected through social media

Sr. No Observation of HEC Compliance implementation Plan
1 The prospectus of the university, provided to the panel, contains around 75 programs; however, the record provided by the university shows that only 39 programs are being offered. The prospectus needs to be revisited.
  • Due to insufficient admissions certain programs could not be operationalized
2 The fee structure of various programs is not publicly available on the website and in the prospectus.
  • Fee structure has been published on TUF website
3 The university, overall, is involved in a number of activities that are supporting philanthropic activities. It was observed that to support the financial continuity, the university is asking for the security cheques in advance for the payment of tuition fees for entire degree program.
  • Postdated cheques are taken on the recommendations of Finance & Planning committee duly approved by the Board of Governors. In order to ensure in time and smooth fee transection
4 The university is offering Bachelors in Business Administration, Computer Science, and Software Engineering. The programs must be accredited by the respective councils. It was communicated to the panel that the accreditation is in process.
  • Pre visit of NBEAC was conducted in August 2019 to complete the accreditation process. Compliance is in process in this regard
5 As per prospectus, it was observed that though there is a Faculty of Science offering BS Physics, BS Mathematics, MSc Physics, MSc Mathematics, however no faculty members is dedicated for these programs.
  • Faculty with PhD Physics and PhD mathematics have been hired but due to no admission in these degree programs they are shifted to Faculty of Management Studies

Sr. No Observation of HEC Compliance implementation Plan
1 Although the university has a sufficient Number of administrative positions as per the organogram, but it was observed that some important administrative positions are either vacant or on additional charge.
  • Advertisements to this effect were published in newspapers and TUF website
  • Process of filling vacant positions has been finalized
2 Considering the size of the campus, enrollments, and number of disciplines, a significant expansion in the library facilities, including periodical subscription and books, is needed.
  • At the time of IPE visit renovation of campus was in process
  • State of the art library containing significant facilities including books and periodical subscription has been established
3 Regular capacity building activities of library staff should be ensured.
  • Emphasis is being given on the capacity building including library staff
4 Although the University has institutional subscription of the HEC digital library, however it is not easily accessible to the students.
  • HEC digital library is accessible to students
5 The faculty at the level of Assistant and Associate Professors is not sufficient for most of the programs other than medicine.
  • The point has been explained in CIP of Standard #5, Sr#5
6 The allocation of financial, physical and human resources for research needs further improvement.
  • The point has been explained in CIP of Standard #3, Sr#2.
7 The Equipment for some of the labs, such as the computing lab, was not up to date.
  • The University of Faisalabad has state of the art laboratories including computer lab which is up to the mark
8 The engineering and IT building is under construction at the time of visit. The Health, safety of student must be carefully considered.
  • Safety and Security of student is considered as top most priority by the University and engineering and IT building is fully functional now

Sr. No Observation of HEC Compliance implementation Plan
1 It must be ensured that the curricula of various programs are regularly updated as per the latest advancement.
  • Curricula are reviewed twice a year in Board of Studies, Board of Faculty and Academic Council meetings. During the meetings of all these statutory bodies suggestions of external members (especially from relevant industry) are given due weightage. Curricula of all accredited program is according to the guidelines of respective accreditation councils and HEC
  • Curricula of all accredited program is according to the guidelines of respective accreditation councils and HEC
2 The teacher should be encouraged to incorporate innovative practices of teaching and assessment.
  • Innovative practices for teaching are already in practice and more emphasis will be given to enhance the same
3 The internship during degree programs should be further encouraged.
  • Emphasis is being given to encourage internships
4 Presence of a promising nursing program under the management of nursing school has a great potential for community nursing. It needs to be fully tapped to support community health sciences projects focusing on the needs of the surrounding areas.
  • Suggestion is appreciated

Sr. No Observation of HEC Compliance implementation Plan
1 The Website of the University has a number of issues, which are listed below. i. Profile of the faculty members is not available ii. Fee structure of the university is not available (Including the processing and admission fees) iii. The rules and regulation of the university are not available on the website Research publication link on the main website directors to an empty page. It is not linked with the relevant ORIC Page. The journal of the University should be linked with the university main website.
  • Mentioned suggestions have been addressed
2 The prospectus, as mentioned earlier, is also deficient in faculty information and fees. There is discrepancy of information in the prospectus and actual programs being offered at the university.
  • Issue has been addressed. Explained in CIP of Standard #5 Sr#8

Sr. No Observation of HEC Compliance implementation Plan
1 A dedicated staff for QEC Activities must be allocated.
  • Implemented

Sr. No Observation of HEC Compliance implementation Plan
1 The career counseling and placement office must have dedicated staff and offices.
  • The concern is acknowledged and implemented
2 The capacity building of the staff in career counseling and placement office must be ensured
  • Emphasize is being given on the capacity building of career counseling staff
3 A detailed program of extensive activities for industry engagement should be developed.
  • Industry academia linkages are the prime area of focus for The University of Faisalabad therefore an MOU has been signed between The University of Faisalabad Several Universities, Research Institutions and Faisalabad Chamber of Commerce & Industry to cater the industry problems. However, more emphasis will be given for extensive activities for industry engagement in future
  • However, more emphasis will be given for extensive activities for industry engagement in future
4 Regular industry visits of students are missing.
  • More emphasis is being given to increase the frequency of industry visits
5 Career counseling of the students must be ensured throughout the degree programs.
  • More emphasis is being given on career counseling of the students
6 Applied Research of faculty with strong collaboration with industry is missing
  • Already explained in Sr# 3

Sr. No Observation of HEC Compliance implementation Plan
1 The committee responsible for updating the mission and vision must regularly meet to identify and update potential modifications.
  • Point has been discussed in CIP of Standard #1, Sr#1
2 The research activities being carried out the university must be enhanced. For this purpose, the research budget should be increased. The facility for international funding must be streamlined. A culture of research should be promoted by focusing more on up gradation of existing research labs. A multidisciplinary approach should be adopted to best utilize the expertise of the faculty in solving local challenges. The library infrastructure of the university also needs serious improvement
  • Point has been discussed in CIP of Standard #1 Sr#2
3 The curricula of undergraduate programs should be regularly revised; particularly it should be aligned with industry needs and advancement.
  • Point has been discussed in CIP of Standard #5 Sr#3 and Standard#8 Sr#1
4 The faculty ratio of Professors, Associate Professors, Assistant Professors, and Lecturers is disproportional. It is recommended that regular hiring and best practices for faculty retention to maintain this balance must be adopted. There should be a policy for regulating the rotation of the various faculty administrative positions (Including Deans and Heads of Schools)
  • Point has been discussed in CIP of Standard #1 Sr#4, Standard#5 Sr#1, Standard#5 Sr#5, Standard#5 Sr#6 and Standard#5 Sr#7
5 The fee structure of the university programs should be publically available on website and prospectus. This practice of getting security cheques (post-dated) from parents for the whole degree programs must be discouraged.
  • Point has been discussed in CIP of Standard #6 Sr#2 and Sr#3
6 As highlighted from the record, some important administrative positions, including the Controller of Examination, Director QEC and Director ORIC were on additional charge. There should be dedicated officials for various administrative positions of the university. The number of shared and vacant positions must be reduced.
  • Point has been discussed in CIP of Standard #7 Sr#1
7 It was observed that in a number of meeting of statuary bodies, the external board members, especially the representative of the government of Punjab) were not present. The composition of various statuary bodies as per the charter of the university must be ensured. Regular meetings of all the statutory bodies must be conducted to streamline the university activities.
  • All members are routinely invited for all regular meetings of statutory bodies

The institutional performance evaluation process that consists of a University Portfolio Report and a team visit provides your institution with performance indicators which will permit you to look at the university critically, to have input from an external IPE team, and to take the necessary steps towards continuous quality improvement. This IPE process which will take place periodically is of vital importance to all universities that desire to meet international standards. Various performance evaluation standards outlining major areas to be focused on by the HEIs for evaluation of their effectiveness and future development are given below:

  • Mission Statement and Goals
  • Planning and Evaluation
  • Organization and Governance
  • Integrity
  • Faculty
  • Students
  • Institutional Resources
  • Academic Programs and Curricula
  • Public Disclosure and Transparency
  • Assessment & Quality Assurance
  • Student Support Service

Three Days Evaluation

DAY #1

  • Meet with the Vice Chancellor (9:00 AM-9:30 AM)
  • IPE Panel works in conference room (9:30 AM–5:00 PM with lunch provided in the room at 01:00 PM)

DAY #2

  • Panel meets for review and discussion (9:00 AM-10:00 AM)
  • Panel meets with the Post Graduate, Graduate and Under graduate students (one from each selected department) (12:00 PM–01:00 PM)
  • Panel meets with the Registrar, Head of Finance, Director P & D, Controller Examination, Director QEC, (02:00 PM-04:00 PM)
  • Panel meets with Heads of departments (10:00 AM-11:00 AM) (List will be provided by IPE Panel)
  • IPE Panel meets with Asst. Professor/lecturer (11:00 AM-12:00 PM) (List will be provided by IPE Panel)
  • IPE Panel work privately (04:00 PM-05:30 PM)

IPE Panel may request additional information and/or may request a meeting with other senior officers in order to seek clarification regarding certain points in the University Portfolio Report

DAY #3

  • Visits to selected class room facilities, laboratories and library (9:00 AM-11:00 AM)
  • IPE Panel continues its work (11:00 AM-02:00 PM with working lunch)
  • Exit interview with VC. It is on the discretion the VC to whom he/she wishes to be present for the exit interview (02:00 PM-03:00 PM)